Discount applied on variant
Cost of product from Seller (or the cost to make the product).
COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.
Units Sold
Quantity of units of a product sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Variant Revenue
Total product sales over a period of time.
Variant ASP
The Average Selling Price (ASP) for the variant from transactions in the defined period.
The average selling price for the variant.
Inventory quantity
The total number of products in stock.
No. of units in stock of a certain product or group of products.
Refunded units
The no. of units refunded.
Refunded Value
Sum of all product refunds in selected time period (takes into account the refunded product value, without refunded shipping amount).
The value of refunds made in selected time frame.
Orders with refund
No. of refunded orders.