Distinct Products
Number of distinct products
Number of Customers
Number of customers
Units Sold
Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Product Revenue
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.
Product Avg Sell Price
Inventory quantity
The total number of products in stock.
No. of units in stock of a certain product or group of products.
Inventory value
The monetary representation of the total number of products in stock.
Cost of goods multiplied by inventory quantity for each item.
Cost of product from Seller (or the cost to make the product).
COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.
Product Margin
Profitability of a product. Percentage of profit made by the product (from buying/making to selling; refunds included)
Total product revenue minus cost of goods sold including refunds, divided by product revenue. Basically, product related revenue minus costs generated by a sale.
Product Delivery Duration
Delivery duration for the product, calculated when all items are delivered, expressed in DAYS. Duration is calculated from when the order was placed until the last item has been delivered.
Duration expressed in DAYS
Product Fulfilment Duration
Fulfilment duration for the product, calculated when all items are fulfilled from the order, expressed in DAYS. Duration is calculated from when the first item started processing to the last item getting delivered.
Duration expressed in DAYS
Product Time to Fulfilment Start
Time in DAYS from the time an order was placed until the product fulfilment has been started
Expressed in DAYS
Delivered Quantity
Quantity of items delivered from the order
Quantity of items delivered
To Be Delivered Quantity
Quantity of items to be delivered from the order
Quantity of items to be delivered