Number of sessions in a time period.
Unique Visitors
Number of unique visitors.
Number of sessions with 1 page view and no action taken during the session.
Bounce Rate
Total number of sessions with 1 page view from the total number of sessions.
Product View Rate
The percentage of sessions with at least one Product View.
Cart view rate
The percentage of sessions with at least one Cart View.
Cart Abandonment Rate
The percent of Sessions with abandoned carts.
Product-Cart Rate
The percent of sessions with Cart View out of sessions with Product View.
Checkout rate
The percent of sessions with checkout out of all sessions.
Checkout Abandonment Rate
The percent of sessions that have started a checkout and haven't finalized in an order.
Cart-Checkout Rate
The percent of sessions with Checkout of sessions with Cart View.
Session CR
The percent of sessions with at least one order placed.
Product Views
Number of Product Detail Views generated.
Product Impressions
Number of Product Listing Page Impressions generated.
Add to Carts
Number of times products have been added to Cart.
Collection views
Number of times a Collection page has been seen.
Number of times a Search has been made.
Cart Views
Number of time a Cart page has been viewed.
Number of times the Checkout page has been reached.
Home Page Views
Number of times the Homepage has been viewed.
Other Page Views
Number of times other pages have been viewed. By other we refer pages that are NOT Product Detail Page Views, Product Listing Pages (collections and search result pages), Cart, Checkout, Homepage. Think of Contact pages, account settings, etc.
Page Views
Number of pages viewed.
Session Duration (sec)
Duration of sessions in seconds
Units Sold
Number of units sold.
Number of products sold.
Sessions with product views
Number of sessions that contain a product views
Sessions with cart view
Number of sessions that contain a cart view
Sessions with checkout
Number of sessions that contain a checkout.
Sessions with order
Number of sessions that contain at least one order.
Product Revenue
Product revenue generated.
Revenue per session
Revenue generated, in average, per Session.
Revenue per Unique Visitor
Revenue generated, in average, per Visitor
COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.
Product CR
Product conversion rate. Formula: no. of transactions / no. of product detail page views * 100.
Impression CR
The no. of transactions made per 100 PLP Impressions in any listing.