Sessions (px)
Number of sessions in a time period. Pixel tracked
Cube Key: MatWebSession.count
Unique Visitors (px)
Number of unique visitors.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.uniqueVisitors
Bounces (px)
Number of sessions with 1 page view and no action taken during the session.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.bounces
Bounce Rate (px)
Total number of sessions with 1 page view from the total number of sessions.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.bounceRate
Product View Rate (px)
The percentage of sessions with at least one Product View.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productViewRate
Cart Abandonment Rate (px)
The percent of Sessions with abandoned carts.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.cartAbandonmentRate
Product-Cart Rate (px)
The percent of sessions with Cart View out of sessions with Product View.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productToCartRate
Session CR (px)
The percent of sessions with at least one order placed. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.sessionConversionRate
PDP Views (px)
Amount of times a user stays (at least 1 second) on a Product’s Detail Page (PDP)
Product Detail Page View is counted when a visitor stays on the product page for at least one second.
Whenever a customer opens a product’s page and reads its description, details, specifications etc., a PDP View is generated.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productViews
Add to Carts (px)
Number of times products have been added to Cart. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.addCarts
Page Views (px)
Number of pages viewed. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.totalPageViews
Session Duration (px)
Duration of sessions in seconds. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.durationSeconds
Units Sold (px)
Pixel tracked. Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productQtyPx
Product ASP
The Average Selling Price (ASP) for the product from transactions in the defined period.
The average selling price for the product.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productASP
Transactions (px)
Pixel tracked. Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Pixel tracked. Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.transactionsPx
Sessions with product views (px)
Number of sessions that contain a product views
Cube Key: MatWebSession.sessionsWithProductView
Sessions with cart view (px)
Number of sessions that contain a cart view
Cube Key: MatWebSession.sessionsWithCart
Sessions with order
Number of sessions that contain at least one order.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.sessionsWithOrder
Product Revenue (px)
Product revenue generated. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.amount
Revenue per session (px)
Revenue generated, in average, per Session. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.revenuePerSession
Revenue per Unique Visitor (px)
Revenue generated, in average, per Visitor
Cube Key: MatWebSession.revenuePerUniqueVisitor
Product CR (px)
The number, in percentages, of views of a PDP (product detail page) that generated a purchase (transaction).
Product conversion rate. Formula: no. of transactions / no. of product detail page views * 100.
Cube Key: MatWebSession.productCR