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Session metrics explained

Session metrics dictionary

Mihai Iova avatar
Written by Mihai Iova
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Sessions (px)

Number of sessions in a time period. Pixel tracked

Unique Visitors (px)

Number of unique visitors.

Bounces (px)

Number of sessions with 1 page view and no action taken during the session.

Bounce Rate (px)

Total number of sessions with 1 page view from the total number of sessions.

Product View Rate (px)

The percentage of sessions with at least one Product View.

Cart Abandonment Rate (px)

The percent of Sessions with abandoned carts.

Product-Cart Rate (px)

The percent of sessions with Cart View out of sessions with Product View.

Session CR (px)

The percent of sessions with at least one order placed. Pixel tracked.

Product Views (px)

Number of Product Detail Views generated. Pixel tracked.

Add to Carts (px)

Number of times products have been added to Cart. Pixel tracked.

Page Views (px)

Number of pages viewed. Pixel tracked.

Session Duration (px)

Duration of sessions in seconds. Pixel tracked.

Units Sold (px)

Pixel tracked. Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.

Product ASP

The Average Selling Price (ASP) for the product from transactions in the defined period.
The average selling price for the product.

Transactions (px)

Pixel tracked. Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Pixel tracked. Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.

Sessions with product views (px)

Number of sessions that contain a product views

Sessions with cart view (px)

Number of sessions that contain a cart view

Sessions with order

Number of sessions that contain at least one order.

Product Revenue (px)

Product revenue generated. Pixel tracked.

Revenue per session (px)

Revenue generated, in average, per Session. Pixel tracked.

Revenue per Unique Visitor (px)

Revenue generated, in average, per Visitor

Product CR (px)

The number, in percentages, of views of a PDP (product detail page) that generated a purchase (transaction).
Product conversion rate. Formula: no. of transactions / no. of product detail page views * 100.

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