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Order metrics explained

Order metrics dictionary

Mihai Iova avatar
Written by Mihai Iova
Updated today

Order Value (OV)

Revenue generated by orders, including discounts and shipping.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalOrderAmount

Current Total Order Amount

Cube Key: MatOrders.currentTotalOrderAmount

Current Total Tax

Current total tax, including products and shipping, adjusted for changes, refunds.

Cube Key: MatOrders.currentTotalTax

Units sold

Number of product units sold.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalOrderQty


Average order value (AOV).

Cube Key: MatOrders.avgOrder

Units per Order

Average number of units sold per order.

Cube Key: MatOrders.avgItemsPerOrder

Products per Order

Average number of products sold per order.

Cube Key: MatOrders.avgProductsPerOrder

Product Lines Value

Revenue generated by orders, without discounts and shipping.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalOrderProductLineAmount


Discount value applied to orders.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalDiscounts

Subtotal value

The subtotal value payed by customers.

Cube Key: MatOrders.subtotalPrice


COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalOrderCost

Shipping Value

Revenue generated by shipping.

Cube Key: MatOrders.orderShippingTotalPrice

No. of Orders

The number of orders in time period.

Cube Key: MatOrders.nrOrders

Number of Customers

Number of customers

Cube Key: MatOrders.customerCount

Purchase Frequency

Purchase Frequency of your customer base and measures how often your customers place orders. Formula: No. of Orders / No. of Customers in a selected time period.

Cube Key: MatOrders.purchaseFrequency

Recurrent Customers

Recurrent Customers are customers with at least 2 orders.

Cube Key: MatOrders.recurrentCustomers

New Customers

New Customers are customers with 1 order.

Cube Key: MatOrders.newCustomers

OV Recurring Customers

Order Value (OV) generated by Recurring Customers.

Cube Key: MatOrders.ordersValueRecurring

OV New Customers

Order Value (OV) generated by New Customers.

Cube Key: MatOrders.ordersValueNew

AOV Recurring Customers

Average Order Value (AOV) generated by Recurring Customers

Cube Key: MatOrders.aovRecurring

AOV New Customers

Average Order Value (AOV) generated by New Customers

Cube Key: MatOrders.aovNew

Repeat Purchase Rate

Percent of Recurrent Customers from total number of Customers.

Cube Key: MatOrders.repeatCustomerPercent

Refunded units

The no. of units refunded.

Cube Key: MatOrders.refundQty

Refunded Value

Sum of all product refunds in selected time period (takes into account the refunded product value, without refunded shipping amount).
The value of refunds made in selected time frame.

Cube Key: MatOrders.refundAmount

Total Tax

Total tax, including products and shipping.

Cube Key: MatOrders.totalTax

Customer total orders count

Cube Key: MatOrders.customerTotalOrdersCount

Customer lifetime, total order amount

Cube Key: MatOrders.customerTotalOrderAmount

Order Delivery Duration

Delivery duration for the whole order, calculated when all items are delivered from the order, expressed in DAYS. Duration is calculated from when the order was placed until the last item has been delivered.
Duration expressed in DAYS

Cube Key: MatOrders.orderDeliveryDuration

Order Fulfilment Duration

Fulfilment duration for the whole order, calculated when all items are fulfilled from the order, expressed in DAYS. Duration is calculated from when the first item started processing to the last item getting delivered.
Duration expressed in DAYS

Cube Key: MatOrders.orderFulfilmentDuration

Order Time to Fulfilment Start

Time in DAYS from the time an order was placed until the order fulfilment has been started
Expressed in DAYS

Cube Key: MatOrders.orderTimeToFulfilmentStart

Delivered Quantity

Quantity of items delivered from the order
Quantity of items delivered

Cube Key: MatOrders.deliveredQty

To Be Delivered Quantity

Quantity of items to be delivered from the order
Quantity of items to be delivered

Cube Key: MatOrders.toBeDeliveredQty

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