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Collection metrics explained

Collection level metrics dictionary

Mihai Iova avatar
Written by Mihai Iova
Updated today

Attr. No. of units sold.

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: No. of items sold.

Cube Key: Collections.qty

Attr. Product Revenue

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Total product sales over a period of time.

Cube Key: Collections.amount

Attr. Product Cost

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.

Cube Key: Collections.cost

Attr. PLP Impression

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times a product has been in view in a Product Listing Page (PLP) for at least 1 second.

Cube Key: Collections.impressions

Attr. OOS PLP Impression

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times an Out of Stock (OOS) product has been in view in a Product Listing Page (PLP) for at least 1 second.

Cube Key: Collections.impressions_oos

Attr. PDP Views

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times a product detail page (PDP) has been viewed for at least one second.

Cube Key: Collections.page_views

Attr. OOS PDP View

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times a product detail page (PDP) of an Out of Stock (OOS) has been viewed for at least one second.

Cube Key: Collections.page_views_oos

Attr. Add to Cart

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times a product has been added to cart.

Cube Key: Collections.add_carts

Attr. Transactions

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Definition: Number of times a product has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.

Cube Key: Collections.transactions

Attr. Product CR

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Formula: No. of transactions / PDP views.

Cube Key: Collections.productCR

Attr. Gross Product Margin

Attributed to collection based on your customers' browsing path. Formula: Product revenue minus cost of goods sold, divided by product revenue, percent.

Cube Key: Collections.grossMargin

Collection Page Views

Number of times a collection page has been viewed for at least 1 sec.

Cube Key: Collections.collectionViews

Products in Collection

Number of products in collection.

Cube Key: Collections.productsCount

Collection CR

Collection Conversion Rate defines the number of transactions generated in average per 100 collection views.

Cube Key: Collections.collectionCR

Collection CTR

Collection Click-through Rage defines the number of product detail views generated per 100 collection views.

Cube Key: Collections.collectionCTR

Overall Sales

All sales for all products that are currently in the collection.

Cube Key: Collections.allSales

Overall units sold

Quantity sold for all products that are currently in the collection.

Cube Key: Collections.allQty

Overall transactions

Number of transactions for all products that are currently in the collection.

Cube Key: Collections.allTransactions

Overall COGS

All COGS for all products sold that are currently in the collection.

Cube Key: Collections.allCost

Overall Gross Margin

Total product revenue (all sales for all products from a collection) minus cost of goods sold, divided by product revenue, percent.

Cube Key: Collections.allGrossMargin

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