Units Sold
Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Units Sold (px)
Pixel tracked. Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Units Sold (Net)
Quantity of units sold in a given timeframe after deducting returns (refunded units).
No. of units sold minus refunded units in the same period.
Cost of product from Seller (or the cost to make the product).
COGS stands for Cost of goods sold. The cost is imported directly from Shopify. Make sure to fill it when adding products to your catalogue in order to have more precise business reports.
Add to Cart (px)
Number of times a product has been added to cart.
Product Revenue
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Product Revenue (px)
Pixel tracked. Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Net Product Revenue
Total product sales minus refunded amount over a period of time, including taxes.
PLP Impressions (px)
PLP (Product Listing Page) Impressions present how many times a product has been viewed (for at least 1 second) while being part of a list.
Number of times a product has been in view in a Product Listing Page (PLP) for at least 1 second.
Let’s say a visitor is browsing your website. He wants to choose a model for a TV. Willing to see some options, he opens the TV section and starts scrolling. From time to time, an image or a characteristic in the title draws his attention, making him pause the scrolling briefly (2 seconds - 5 seconds). Some products have landed an impression, an important part of the buying process.
Impression CR (px)
Impression CR (Conversion Rate) - Percent of Transactions made out of 100 Impressions PLP.*
The no. of transactions made per 100 PLP Impressions in any listing.
Impression CTR (px)
The number of Product Detail Views generated on average by 100 Product Listing Page (PLP) Impressions.
No. of Product Detail Views generated in average by 100 Product Listing Page Impressions.
OOS PLP Impressions (px)
Number of views (at least 1 second) of an Out of Stock (OOS) product shown in a Product Listing Page (PLP).
Number of times an Out of Stock (OOS) product has been in view in a Product Listing Page (PLP) for at least 1 second.
Product Views (px)
Number of Product Detail Views generated. Pixel tracked.
OOS PDP View (px)
Cart abandonment rate (px)
Percentage showing how many products, out of all those added to cart, were abandoned.
Cart abandonment rate. Formula: (1 - (product transactions / product add to cart)) * 100.
A product was added to cart 200 times in the past 2 weeks. We can identify it as a Serpent Ring. It looks popular, although, through these 2 weeks there were 91 finalized product transactions. Some have their products still inside the cart or were removed, replaced for something else.
Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.
Transactions (px)
Pixel tracked. Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Pixel tracked. Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.
Product CR (px)
The number, in percentages, of views of a PDP (product detail page) that generated a purchase (transaction).
Product conversion rate. Formula: no. of transactions / no. of product detail page views * 100.
Product ASP
The Average Selling Price (ASP) for the product from transactions in the defined period.
The average selling price for the product.
Product APP
The current Average Price of the product.
The current product price average.
Compare Discount Percent
The percentage of discount offered for the product.
Percent of discount offered from Compare Price.
Average Compare Price
The average value of the Compare Price shown to your customers.
Average of compared prices seen by your customers.
Refunded Value
Sum of all product refunds in selected time period (takes into account the refunded product value, without refunded shipping amount).
The value of refunds made in selected time frame.
Refunded units
The no. of units refunded.
Orders with refund
No. of refunded orders.
Refund Rate
Percentage of refunded products from orders in the selected time frame.
No. of times refunds generated, in average, per 100 transactions.
Product Margin
Profitability of a product. Percentage of profit made by the product (from buying/making to selling; refunds included)
Total product revenue minus cost of goods sold including refunds, divided by product revenue. Basically, product related revenue minus costs generated by a sale.
Product Gross Profit
Amount of monetary units earned by the product from sales (revenue) excluding its COGS value.
Total product revenue minus cost of goods sold.
Inventory quantity
The total number of products in stock.
No. of units in stock of a certain product or group of products.
Inventory value
The monetary representation of the total number of products in stock.
Cost of goods multiplied by inventory quantity for each item.
ATC rate (px)
The no. of Add to Carts generated by a Product Detail Page. Formula: No. of Add to Cart / PDP Views * 100
A flower was added to cart fifty-five (55) times while its number of pdp views were three hundred ninety four (394). (Period: June 12 - June 28). The Add to Cart Rate will be: 55 / 394 * 100 = ~13.96%
Revenue per view (px)
Amount of monetary units generated by one PDP View.
Revenue per product view. Formula: Product Revenue / Product Views.
Revenue per impression (px)
Amount of revenue generated by one PLP Impression.
Revenue per product impression. Formula: Product Revenue / Product Impressions.
Customer Churn after First Purchase
This metric measures the number of customers who have not placed another order after making their initial product purchase. It helps us understand how many customers are not returning for additional purchases.
Number of customers that have not made a purchase after buying the product.
Customer Retention after First Purchase
Customer Retention after First Purchase represents the number of customers who have placed subsequent orders after their initial product purchase. It reflects the percentage of customers who continue to engage with our products.
Number of customers that have made at least one more order after buying the product.
Retention Rate after First Purchase
Retention Rate after First Purchase indicates the percentage of customers who have placed an order after their initial product purchase.
Percent of customers that have made at least one more order after buying the product. Formula: Repeat Customers / Total Customers * 100
Churn Rate after First Purchase
Churn Rate after First Purchase calculates the percentage of customers who have not placed an order after their initial product purchase.
Percent of customers that have not made a purchase after buying the product. Formula: Churned Customers / Total Customers * 100
First-Time Customers
First-Time Customers represent the count of customers who purchased this product in their very first order. These are customers who are trying our products for the first time.
Number of customers that purchased this product in their first order.
First-Time Customer Rate
First-Time Customer Rate expresses the percentage of customers who purchased this product in their first order out of the total customers for this product.
Percent of customers that purchased this product in their first order from the total number of customers who purchased this product. Formula: First Time Customers / Total Customers * 100
Churn after First Order
Number of customers that purchased this product in their first order and have not made a purchase after.
Churn Rate after First Order
Churn Rate after First Order calculates the percentage of customers who purchased this product in their first order but have not placed a subsequent order.
Percent of customers that purchased this product in their first order and have not made a purchase after. Formula: First Time Churned / Total Customers * 100
Repeat Customers
Repeat Customers denote the count of customers who have repurchased the same product. These are customers who have shown loyalty by making multiple purchases of the same item.
Repeat Customer Rate
Repeat Customer Rate represents the percentage of customers who have repurchased the same product out of the total customers for this product.
Percent of customers who repurchased the same product. Formula: Repurchased Customers / Total Customers * 100
Avg. Days to Repurchase
Average Days to Repurchase measures the average number of days it takes for a customer to make a repeat purchase of the same product. It gives us insights into customer buying behavior and the frequency of repurchases.
Average number of days between two purchases of the same product by the same customer
Avg. Days to Next Order
Average Days to Next Order represents the average number of days it takes for a customer to place their next order after purchasing this product. This metric helps us understand the time it takes a customer to place any other order after purchasing a certain product.
Average number of days between until the next order for the same customer after buying this product.