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Customers metrics explained

Customers metrics dictionary

Mihai Iova avatar
Written by Mihai Iova
Updated today

Number of customers

The number of customers.

Cube Key: Customers.nrCustomers

Number of customers in date range

The number of customers that placed orders in the selected date range.

Cube Key: Customers.nrDateRangeCustomers

Order Value (OV) in date range

Order value generated in the selected date range.

Cube Key: Customers.ordersValue

Lifetime Order value (LOV)

Order value generated in the lifetime of a customer.

Cube Key: Customers.lifetimeOrdersValue

Orders in date range

Number of orders placed in the selected date range.

Cube Key: Customers.ordersCount

Lifetime number of orders

Number of orders placed in the customer lifetime.

Cube Key: Customers.lifetimeOrdersCount

AOV in date range

Average Order Value (AOV) in the selected date range.

Cube Key: Customers.aov

Lifetime AOV

Average Order Value (AOV) for all orders (lifetime) of a customer.

Cube Key: Customers.lifetimeAOV

Customer LTV

Lifetime value of a customer. Total revenue generated over lifetime.

Cube Key: Customers.customerLTV

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