No. of Products
Number of distinct products
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productCount
Units Sold (px)
Pixel tracked. Quantity of units sold in the given time frame.
No. of units sold.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productQtyPx
Add to Cart (px)
Number of times a product has been added to cart.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.addToCart
Product Revenue (px)
Pixel tracked. Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Total product sales over a period of time, including taxes.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productRevenuePx
PLP Impressions (px)
PLP (Product Listing Page) Impressions present how many times a product has been viewed while being part of a list.
Number of times a product has been in view in a Product Listing Page (PLP).
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productImpressions
OOS PLP Impressions (px)
Number of appearance of an Out of Stock (OOS) product shown in a Product Listing Page (PLP) like collection pages or search results.
Appearance of products in listings when out of stock.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productImpressionsOOS
PDP Views (px)
Amount of times a user stays (at least 1 second) on a Product’s Detail Page (PDP)
Product Detail Page View is counted when a visitor stays on the product page for at least one second.
Whenever a customer opens a product’s page and reads its description, details, specifications etc., a PDP View is generated.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productViews
OOS PDP View (px)
Number of times a product detail page has been viewed while out of stock.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productViewsOOS
Cart abandonment rate (px)
Percentage showing how many products, out of all those added to cart, were abandoned.
Cart abandonment rate. Formula: (1 - (product transactions / product add to cart)) * 100.
A product was added to cart 200 times in the past 2 weeks. We can identify it as a Serpent Ring. It looks popular, although, through these 2 weeks there were 91 finalized product transactions. Some have their products still inside the cart or were removed, replaced for something else.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.abandonmentCartRate
Transactions (px)
Pixel tracked. Number of orders containing the product or variant in the defined time frame.
Pixel tracked. Number of times a product or variant has appeared in an order. Quantity sold is not taken into account.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.transactionsPx
Product CR (px)
The number, in percentages, of views of a PDP (product detail page) that generated a purchase (transaction).
Product conversion rate. Formula: no. of transactions / no. of product detail page views * 100.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productCR
Product ASP
The Average Selling Price (ASP) for the product from transactions in the defined period.
The average selling price for the product.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productASP
Product APP
The current Average Price of the product.
The current product price average.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productAPP
Average Compare Price
The average value of the Compare Price shown to your customers.
Average of compared prices seen by your customers.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.productComparePriceAverage
ATC rate (px)
The no. of Add to Carts generated by a Product Detail Page. Formula: No. of Add to Cart / PDP Views * 100
A flower was added to cart fifty-five (55) times while its number of pdp views were three hundred ninety four (394). (Period: June 12 - June 28). The Add to Cart Rate will be: 55 / 394 * 100 = ~13.96%
Cube Key: PixelEvents.addToCartRate
Revenue per view (px)
Amount of monetary units generated by one PDP View.
Revenue per product view. Formula: Product Revenue / Product Views.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.revenuePerView
Revenue per impression (px)
Amount of revenue generated by one PLP Impression.
Revenue per product impression. Formula: Product Revenue / Product Impressions.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.revenuePerImpression
Checkout Started (px)
Number of times the checkout process has been started. Pixel tracked.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.checkoutStarted
Checkout Started Qty (px)
Quantity of products where the checkout was started.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.checkoutStartedQty
Checkout Abandon Rate (px)
The percent of checkouts that were not finalized.
Cube Key: PixelEvents.checkoutAbandonRate